Wow, week 4?! This challenge is flying by. I am happy to announce, I am FINALLY done stenciling! OMG I really thought I may never finish. To say it was a labor of love is a complete understatment. Do not say I didn't warn you!!
All and all, it looks really good and has already upped our curb appeal. It doesn't look like tile but that is because of the stencil I used. IF I ever do it again, I will use a stencil with grout lines.

In true Lindsey Vorwith fasion, I changed the color palette. I was having the hardest time finding green and coral accessories that were in stock and not outrageous so I had to pivot. I found a few dusty blush pieces so we went from a bright color palette to more of a monochromatic pink palette. I truly LOVE pink. In fact if you were to go into my closet most of my clothes are pink. Switching to pink really wasn't tough for me. Luckily for me, my husband doesn't mind pink either. But this change brought a new challenge because I had already settled on and bought the paint for the door. I am very specific when it comes to color. Finding what is in my head is much harder than you would think.
I am also very specific when it comes to paint. My husband thinks I am crazy but you really do get what you pay for when it comes to paint. My go-to is Benjamin Moore and Farrow and Ball but Lake Havasu has very limited options and since this wasn't planned I ran to Sherwin Williams. Due to COVID supplies SW is not doing samples apparently. I will not buy paint without a sample first so that was not going to work. Home Depot and Lowe's it was. I started at Lowe's and picked four samples. I wanted a dusty deserty pink. I wanted it to be serene but cheery and fun but still Arizona'ish. (Got that! lol).

I wasn't sold on any of these. However, my favorite was the second to the last. So I tried Lowe's and four became eight...

I had already painted the trim black because I was going to do a bright door, so at this point I had already decided that with a pink door the black had to go and that I would have to repaint the trim white.

After all eight, I still liked the second to the last one on the top. So I went to buy a quart and got to work. As soon as I opened the paint, I knew something was off. The color was much lighter than the sample. I painted a strip next to my sample to test and sure enough it was off. It was REALLY hard to tell it was off but it was off. So I told myself to stop being a crazy person and that it wouldn't matter. Lowe's mixed the sample in white but mixed the quart in super white (yes, this makes a big difference). In pictures it doesn't look as bad but in person it was this yellow-ish pukey pink and it didn't go with the floor at all. I knew I couldn't live with it.

I went to Home Depot the next day and got a new color.

SOOOOOO much better!! And yes, we've already established, I am a total crazy person!
I am still not convinced that this is "my" pink. So that very well may change again. Third time is the charm, right?! I've always wanted to paint a door in Benjamin Moore's Razzle Dazzle but I have commitment issues so we will see.

Ok, so this week its time to focus on the swing and ordering the rest of the accessories. I just looked at the calendar and I am slightly stressing out. We are gone for an entire week for my girl friends wedding during week 6 of the challenge so I better get moving on the rest. But the good news is I painted the ceiling so I just have to paint the rod iron and maybe the door again.
Cost Breakdown:
$710 total from the previous weeks
$70.11 more paint
Total Cost: $780.11
Operation Curb Appeal To-Do List:
- Paint the rod iron
- Replace the door hardware
- Refresh the doorbell
- Build the swing
- Hang the swing
- Find a twin mattress (hoping to score one on FB marketplace)
- Finish ordering accessories
- Install an electrical box where the existing can light is
- Replace the glass in the door
In case you missed it, you can find the previous weeks here:
Don't forget to check out the other Spring ORC participants here!
And for all the behind the scenes follow along on Instagram!!