Eight weeks came and went and it's time to reveal the lakehouse front patio and my second ORC. Starting this challenge one week late was an obstacle in itself, but trying to tackle a project out of state definitely complicated things even more. With no plan in place, minimal budget, and dealing with extreme heat (eh em, 120 degree heat), I definitely had to roll with the punches for this one. But fighting through those obstacles was totally worth it. The end result is a super chic patio that my husband and I can enjoy our morning coffee and afternoon cocktails on.
Our orginal patio/entry lacked character and curb appeal. My goal for this challenge was to add value to our home and amp up the curb appeal big time. This is our vacation home so I wanted the design choices to be bold and fun while staying true to my funky, eclectic, very glam style. Let's take a trip down memory lane and look at the before.
Nasty carpet and absolutely zero curb appeal. But really, who puts carpet on a patio?!


I naturally gravitate towards bold patterns and color. One of my favorite things to do is mix pattern on pattern. So when I set out to design the patio, I knew that I had to stay true to that. However, finding modern funky patterns in outdoor fabric is extremely challenging. Plus, orginally I really wanted to source from local stores such as Home Goods. After going to way too many Home Goods and coming up with nothing every time I ordered some pillows from one of my favorite shops but unfortunately I didn't order them in time so they didn't quite make it for the reveal. BUT I cannot wait to recieve them because they are going to add additional patterns and color to the space, giving it even more life! For now, I had to use what I could find at Target and Wayfair (thank you quick shipping!).

Honestly, I still look at the swing and I still cannot believe I built that! I am so proud of the way it turned out and I am even more proud that I just went for it. Not too shabby for my very first build if I don't say so myself. I am also certain there will be a few more in my future. I want to try and build an outdoor sofa next.
One of my favorite details is the stenciled tile. While it doesn't quite look like tile and it was a complete labor of love, it was the pop that the patio needed. I said I would never stencil again but I am pretty sure there is more stenciling in my future because I am obsessed with the way it turned out. Who knew I was such a DIY'r?!

The light I ordered ended up being backordered. So a few days before heading out I had to scramble to come up with a solution. I ended up DIY'ing the porch light. It was actually super easy. I ordered a light housing from Amazon and bought a basket from Target. And low and behold it worked! Once the light I orderded shows up, I will swap it out.
After, painting the tile, I knew I needed something glam so I sourced the gold table. It added that little touch of glam while giving us a functional space to eat. While the swing is awesome for lounging, it's difficult to eat on.

I am so glad I repainted the door to Razzle Dazzle. I was hesitant to pull the trigger on the pink for a few reasons...one, because I hadn't recieved the chairs yet and while online the colors looked like they would go together, you just never know until you actually see them in person. And two, because the hot pink is a commitment and I needed to take baby steps before I was truly ready to take the final leap. In the end, I am so glad I did because it gives the patio the perfect pop of color.
If you've been following me for a while then you know that I am all about the details. I truly believe the details are what elevate a space. From the frayed rope to the funky face vase and the hoofed table, to me, those are the details that really bring the space to life.

Thanks for following along! If you are ever in the area stop by for a glass, we'd love to have you. And don't forget, it's always happy hour here!
Total Cost: $2,690
Door Paint Color - Benjamin Moore Razzle Dazzle
Door Hardware - Emtek

In case you missed it, you can find the previous weeks here:
Don't forget to check out the other Spring ORC participants here!